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Subject: This Tarantula sits on a high tree branch over the Rio Negro.
Amazonas06 - 174

Amazonas06 - 175 * Edivam Vanregis was one of our naturalist guides from the Tucano.

Amazonas06 - 176 * This sloth makes its own hammock.

Amazonas06 - 177 * This is obviously a Three-toed Sloth.

Amazonas06 - 178 * Boat-billed Heron.

Amazonas06 - 180

Amazonas06 - 181 * Caiman.

Amazonas06 - 182 * Anhinga Anhinga. In Florida, they are also known as Water Turkey or Snake Bird.

Amazonas06 - 183 * Plumbeous Kite.

Amazonas06 - 184 * Yellow-bellied Dacnis

Copyright © 2006 Patricia E. Beebe and David R. Beebe (B2 Photo & Video)

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